In celebration of the book launch for Hidden Heroes, Historic Places, Los Angeles Public Library held a live panel to discuss hidden heroes and historic places throughout Los Angeles. This program was coordinated by staff at LAPL’s Octavia Lab and the LA Conservancy. Check out AAFFM Board President, Michelle Banks’ presentation on Arnett Hartsfield. Arnett “The Rookie” Hartsfield was a pioneer and legend in the fire service. Before firehouses were integrated in 1956, Arnett worked at Station 30 in Los Angeles, California. When firehouses became integrated, “The Rookie” claimed that he felt complete isolation. Looking back on his life, Hartsfield believes that segregation may be why he has lived to see his 90’s. At age ninety-two, the “Eternal Rookie” Arnett Hartsfield says he has so much to smile about. As the African American Firefighter Museum’s historian. Arnett was there ten hours a week volunteering and touching the lives of all who met him.